Stephen was born in
1986 in Stockton-On-Tees, to parents where in the hospitality
trade. I’m very fortunate to live in the North East of England as
there are so many places to draw inspiration from. The North East
coastline is a good place for me to reflect and clear my mind to
allow the ideas to flow; often a walk along the beach front will
throw up a few treats in the shape of rock pools. The way the half
submerged rocks catch and reflect the light in such an organic way
gives me invaluable inspiration. I’ll often photograph anything I
see which I think may help me, not to ‘draw’ from but more as a
way of documenting ideas. The colours and texture I choose to use
are inspired by all of natures Elements. Looking at the glowing
embers of a fire or a storm at sea will make something just
‘click’ and ill be ready to get into the studio. Its natures sheer
power which I strive to capture in my work. Sometimes the results
will be soft and calm and others much more dramatic which all adds
to the uniqueness and emphasises that every piece is totally